How Trauma Changes the Brain and the Body

Photo of a woman standing up and speaking with a doctor. Discover ways that past trauma can harm your body. With trauma therapy in Charlottesville, VA you can find more support.

Those of us who have experienced negative events as children and young adults have felt the echo of those hurts long after the event was over. While we may desire to escape all the painful effects that trauma and loss can dish out, we find that time proves, over and over again, that we cannot outrun the consequences of other people’s actions.

Living through losses like parental divorce, natural disasters or addicted caregivers can leave us holding the symptoms of the aftermath inside our very bodies. We did not ask for this, and we were not given the option to choose. So it can leave us feeling incredible resentment for the impact that lingers.

The marks of trauma can show up in ways that bring harm to our minds and bodies many years later. Without properly attending to the needs this represents, we could face even greater harm down the line.

Assessment For Childhood Trauma: ACEs

Photo of a woman sitting at a desk writing on a clipboard. Wondering how trauma is affecting your body? Learn how you can find more support in overcoming your trauma symptoms with trauma therapy in Charlottesville, VA.

There is a commonly used screener for childhood trauma. Known as the “Adverse Childhood Experiences,” or ACEs, that tallies the number of ‘potentially traumatizing events’ that an individual had while growing up (age 17 and younger). It is by no means a complete list of unwanted situations for children. But does include things like not having enough to eat, witnessing violence in the home, and the loss of a parent.

This 10-question assessment exists because research has shown that experiencing several of these events leads to greater vulnerability to early death and disease. In fact, scoring 4 out of 10 on the questionnaire, meaning that you have lived through at least 4 of the challenging situations listed, puts you at a 3x greater risk of depression than those with a score of 0.

Health Consequences of Experiencing Trauma

Photo of a yellow stethoscope sitting on a table. Trauma can affect your body in many ways. Discover how trauma therapy in Charlottesville, VA can help you overcome your symptoms and heal.

Yet, it is not the more obvious mental health burden that you may be more likely to carry, but also troubling health conditions. A score of 4 or higher doubles the risk of a heart attack or stroke!

We All Have Different Amounts of Resilience to Trauma

While we all have different amounts of resilience that are facilitated by such protective factors as 1) having at least one caring and reliable adult figure or 2) developing a healthy sense of spirituality, the impact of childhood stress can potentially be wide-ranging. Researchers believe that it is the “toxic stress” from adverse events that can impact our brain development. As well as our immune systems and stress responses. Thereby creating conditions that are ripe for poorer decision-making and coping.

The irony of this problematic chain of events is that, at its core, our response to trauma is partly a result of our instinct for survival. Surviving a life-altering event teaches us that we must be on high alert, in order to prevent further instances like this from taking place again. Our brains organize (or reorganize) themselves to increase our chances of making it through the next dangerous situation. Even avoid the danger before it starts- enter hypervigilance.

Living on Edge is Uncomfortable For Your Body

Living on edge like this is uncomfortable for the body. Heightened cortisol from trying to anticipate all the ways that the situation you are in could go wrong is bound to wreak havoc on your ability to be present at the moment or to even sleep at night. Essentially, the same skills that might have temporarily worked to keep us safe at an earlier time in life, are no longer working the way they once did. Now, those older anticipatory warning signals are showing up and disrupting the wrong situations, while they barely even register in the right (dangerous) ones.

For all the reasons above, it is critical that we not only find ways to protect children and teenagers from distressing and scary situations when they are young. So that their genes are not bathed in the chemicals. Those resulting from toxic stress but we also prioritize healing ourselves. To reduce the further negative consequences of the pain we have suffered, which can be helped through trauma therapy.

How To Minimize The Health Impacts of Trauma on Your Brain & Body

Photo of a woman smiling and listening to music. Looking for ways to heal after suffering from trauma? Learn how trauma therapy in Charlottesville, VA can help support you and begin healing.

One thing’s for certain: ignoring the problem will never fix the problem. Pretending that we are okay when we actually are not will only delay recovery from stress. It sets us up to make repeated mistakes that could have been avoided if only we were willing to receive help and begin healing.

Whether you have felt these disturbing effects in your own life, or watched them play out in someone else’s, it is easy to feel helpless and hopeless in the face of such discouraging statistics and data about the effects of trauma. It’s possible that, after reading this, you feel more aware of just how you have been suffering as a result of all you’ve been through.

Don’t Sit Back in Despair

And while the news isn’t good, we have other options besides just sitting back in despair. Or assuming that statistics and risks have to have the final say in our lives. I’m sure that as much as you and I have known those who have been hurt in the past, we also know that some of those same people have somehow come out on the other side with their bodies and mind intact, and full of a wonderful sense of possibilities.

You may not know to be any different than the lost, hurting person you have been on the inside for all this time. You may deeply fear admitting to yourself, or anyone else, that you don’t have it all together and that so much of you still feel broken and damaged. And I want you to know that it’s okay to feel uncertain, skeptical, and afraid.

Own Your Emotions and Take Action

It is possible to own your emotions, accept your emotions and take action that will move you into a more spacious place beyond your current emotional state. It is possible to experience shifts that will move you out of the merry-go-round nature of trauma, perhaps even allowing you to be the first healthy, peaceful, nonreactive individual that your family has seen in a long time.

Trauma may have changed your brain and your body. It’s finally time to put in the work to change them back. Would you like to work together to progress further in your trauma recovery journey? Reach out through the Work with Me page so we can chat.

Photo of trauma therapist Linda Sanderville. Looking for a trauma therapist who can help you begin healing your body after trauma? Discover how trauma therapy in Charlottesville, VA can help you.

About The Author

Linda Sanderville, LCSW is a culturally competent psychotherapist with over ten years experience in effective trauma treatment and training and supervision of other mental health professionals. Currently, she provides specialty services to adults seeking recovery from stressful life events and those who desire to optimize their wellness and the health of their relationships.

Begin Trauma Therapy in Charlottesville, VA

Take the first step towards healing your mind and body by seeking trauma therapy at Satya Counseling & Yoga. Unlock the power within you to overcome past wounds and reclaim your life. Embrace the transformative journey of therapy with a supportive trauma therapist and discover the strength to create a future filled with resilience, growth, and inner peace. Follow these three simple steps to get started:

  1. Contact me to schedule an appointment

  2. Begin meeting with Linda Sanderville, a trauma therapist

  3. Begin healing your mind and body from your past trauma!

Other Services Offered at Satya Counseling and Yoga

At Satya Counseling and Yoga, my focus is to help my clients heal and begin to cope in a healthy way with their mental health. In addition to trauma therapy at my Northern Virginia practice, I specialize in anxiety therapy, depression therapy, and couples counseling. I also offer a Transformation Therapy Intensive for those looking to seek accelerated progress toward their identified goals and personal growth. For more about my practice check out my FAQs and blog!


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